Let's Play 2: NBA heads to London, Mexico City on Thursday


2:30 a.m. ET Jan. 10, 2017

NEW YORK (AP) — The NBA has never gone global quite like this.

The league will play somewhat of a unique doubleheader Thursday with games in London and Mexico City, the first time it will stage multiple international games in different countries on the same day in the regular season.

Indiana and Denver are the new teams getting to take what’s become an annual trip to Britain, while the Phoenix Suns will be hosting the first of a two-game trip south of the border.

The NBA has played 165 international games dating to 1978 and during the preseason has had multiple games on the same day from different countries. But this is the first time doing it when the games count.

“We thought having two regular-season global games on the same day for the first time was another great way to celebrate the popularity of our game with fans around the world,” Deputy Commissioner Mark Tatum…

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