Tickets for the three games will go on sale at 10 a.m. at the Citi Field box office, at and by phone at 1-718-507-TIXX (1-718-507-8499). The Mets announced that field-level seats will be sold for $25, that there will be no fees on ticket purchases and that stadium parking will be sharply limited because of a previously scheduled music and arts festival.
There were several other American League sites that were considered for the relocated series — Detroit, Baltimore and Chicago among them — but hotels that could accommodate both teams were hard to come by in those cities, a baseball official said. With the series moving to New York, it was necessary only to procure enough hotel rooms for the Rays.
The possibility of playing the series at Yankee Stadium — and switching the Rays’ previous scheduled visit there on Sept. 26-28 to St. Petersburg — was never seriously considered because of previously scheduled events at the…